European Laboratory for Particle Physics, Geneva, Switzerland

CERN - SL Beam Instrumentation Group BI

BI-day 1999

Morning:  SPS/LHC

Performance of Instruments over the year and needs for 2000 G.Arduini
Measurements using multiturn functionality of MOPOS J.Klem
1st year of 40 MHz BCT's in TT2/TT10/SPS J.J.Savioz
Calibration and Linearity of the MOPOS-BPM's C.Boccard
Improvements of Spill-Structure G.Ferioli
Machine Protection Instruments L.Jensen
News on IPM J.Koopman
News on Luminescense Monitor R.Jung
Measurements on Restgas Spectrometer C.Bovet
Measurements on Ion Beam Scanner J.Bosser

Afternoon: Experimental Areas/LEP

The Spectrometers for the experimental Areass J.Spanggaard
The Equipment bus in the experimental Areas A.Cojan
Future use of DSPs in the SL/BI group L.Jensen
Online Tools for L-Optimisation:
How are they used, what additional performance is needed
Measurement of local Beta-function with k-modulation C.Fischer
Nonlinearities of LEP-BPMs J.Matheson
Spectrometer-Instrumentation Performance J.Prochnow
Energy calibration Summary M.Placidi

 mc Last Update - 18 Jan 2000