28th JANUARY 2003 in Bldg 864 (Prévessin site) - first floor
1. To review the designs and development status of the two proposed technologies for LHC luminosity instrumentation:
a) High pressure gas ionization chamber
b) CdTe detector
2. To determine if a clear decision can be made as to which technology to implement in the LHC.
a) If a clear decision can be made, make a list of recommendations and action items to complete the design, development and implementation.
b) If a clear decision cannot be made, determine the essential R&D questions which must be answered for each technology to allow a clear decision to be mde; establish a schedule for addressing these questions; select a time for a follow-up review at which the decision will be made.
3. To evaluate the merits of implementing the luminosity instrumentation in 4 vs. 2 IRs, and in the TAS and TAN vs. TAN only.
4. Review the physics process selected for luminosity monitoring (forward neutron flux). Is this the best choice ? Will it work for heavy ions ? Study of background signals ?
5. Plan collaboration activities to address the action required by 2a or 2b; 3 and 4.
Review committe: D. McGinnis (FNAL), P. Derwent (FNAL), A. Drees (BNL), P. Cameron (BNL), R. Jung (CERN), J. Wenninger (CERN).
Report to J. Strait & H. Schmickler
Workshop secretary: Madeleine.Catin@cern.ch