US-CERN Collaboration Meeting on LHC Beam Instrumentation
29-30 January 2003
Conference room - Bldg 864. Amphitheatre & J.B. Adams
To inform the US National Laboratory
about the requirements for LHC beam instrumentation & the opportunities for
US collaboration.
To inform CERN about the capabilities and potential
interest of US National Laboratories in the development & implementation of
beam instrumentation for LHC.
To discuss specific proposed
instrumentation activities by the US Labs
- a - Provide guidance as to which proposed instruments are most necessary of most promising for inproving LHC performance.
- b - Identify R&D issues which must be addressed for proposed instrumentation systems.
- c - Set timetables for the R&D and agree how we will evaluate the progress of the R&D on each system.
Plan collaboration activities to address the actions required by 3.
BNL: P. Cameron, A. Drees, S. Peggs.
FNAL: P. Derwent, D. McGinnis, J. Marriner, J. Strait.
LBNL: P. Denes
CERN: ME. Angoletta, E. Bravin, A. Burns, F. Caspers, E. Gschwendtner, S. Hutchins, R. Jones, J-P. Koutchouk, M.Placidi, H. Schmickler.
Workshop Secretary: