BI-Day 2000

Thursday December 7   - 9:00h , SL-Amphitheater, building 864

LEP energy calibration:
1) Test and Energy measurements with the LEP spectrometer (ppt) - E. Barbero
2) The LEP II energy error estimate - B. Dehning

3) Online beta measurements from k-modulation (LEP) - O.Berrig
4) Test beam results for LHC luminosity monitor (Ion. Chamber)  (PDF)- M.Placidi
5) Test beam results for LHC luminosity monitor (CdTe detector) (ppt)- E.Rossa
6) Beam synchronous timing based on TTC system  (ppt)- J.J.Savioz
7) prototype Measurements with the 40 MHz normaliser (WBTN) - D.Cocq
8) Digital acquisition card for LHC orbit system (.ppt) - L.Jensen
9) What other R&D in 2001...(ppt) - H.Schmickler

Friday December 8 - 9:00h, SL Amphitheater, building 864

1) Sensitivity of the IPM in turn-by-turn measurements (ppt)- C. Fischer
2) Prototype beam measurement with log-amp for TT2/TT10 (ppt)- G. Vismara
3) New user interface for the Wire Scanners (ppt)- G. Crockford
4) Future BI applications for the PCR (ppt)- J.J. Gras
5) Results with the head-tail sampling system (.ppt) - R. Jones
6) IBMS (individual bunch measurement system) results (.ppt) - A. Guerrero

Experimental Areas:
7) Renovation of the multi-wire-proportional chambers - C. Beugnet
8) Electromagnetic Calorimeter for secondary beams - J.P. Ferri

mc Last Update - 22 Jan 20001